Instructions for Advertising Submissions.

Are you looking to sell your farm animals? Advertise them on our Instagram page!

Here's what you need to do:

Select Your Advertising Package:

  • Single Post ($25): Ideal for one-time sellers for one animal.
  • Multi-Post Package Carousel:
    • 1-4 Animals: $25 per animal.
    • 5 or More Animals: $20 per animal. 
    • This package is ideal for sellers with multiple animals. It features a carousel post on our Instagram page, showcasing up to 10 pictures of your animals. This format allows for a comprehensive display of each animal, providing an excellent opportunity for potential buyers to see various aspects and details of the animals you are selling.
Prepare Your Animal's Information:
  • ***Do Not submit an asking price for animals as that’s between you and the buyer in private. DO NOT post asking price in the comments as we will remove the post and you will not receive a refund. ***
  • Type, Breed, and Age: Clearly state what type of animal it is, its breed, and age.
  • Registration Status: Indicate if the animal is registered, unregistered, or can be registered. Include registration papers if available.
  • Animal Location: Provide the location where the animal is currently housed.
  • Seller Contact Information: Include your phone number or email for potential buyers to reach you.
  • Description and Story: Write a brief description of the animal, along with an interesting fact or story to engage potential buyers.
Submit High-Quality Photos:
  • Ensure your photos are clear and well-lit, showing different angles of the animal.
  • Submit up to 2 photos per animal.
Send Your Information:
  • Email the above information and photos to
  • Alternatively, send a direct message to our Instagram page with the required details.
Payment and Post Confirmation:
  • We'll review your submission and send a payment request via Paypal.
  • After payment, we'll schedule your post and confirm the date with you.
Post Goes Live:
  • We'll tag your Instagram account in the post.
  • Be ready to engage with potential buyers in the comments section.

By submitting your information, you agree to our terms and conditions below and confirm the accuracy of the provided details.

Terms and Conditions for Advertising Services

  1. Eligibility: This service is available to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. Users must be legally able to sell the animals they are advertising.
  2. Content Responsibility: The seller is solely responsible for the accuracy and legality of all information and images provided, including but not limited to animal descriptions, health status, and registration details. We are not responsible for verifying this information.
  3. Payment Terms: Payment for services must be made in advance. The specific terms of each advertising package are outlined in our service agreement. No refunds will be issued once a post has been made live on our Instagram account.
  4. Animal Welfare: We are committed to promoting the welfare of animals. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements for any animals that appear to be neglected, abused, or in poor health.
  5. Post Scheduling: Post scheduling is subject to availability and will be coordinated with the seller. We reserve the right to adjust scheduling dates as needed.
  6. No Guarantee of Sale: Our service provides a platform for advertisement but does not guarantee the sale of any advertised animal.
  7. Privacy Policy: Personal information provided by the seller will be used solely for the purpose of the advertisement and will not be shared with third parties without consent, except as required by law.
  8. Rights to Refuse Service: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time, especially in cases where the content is deemed inappropriate, unethical, or in violation of these terms.
  9. Liability Limitations: We are not liable for any disputes arising between buyers and sellers or for any damages or harm resulting from transactions initiated through our advertising service.
  10. Changes to Terms: These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. Continued use of our services after changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.
  11. Governing Law: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the state of Mississippi. Any disputes arising from these terms will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mississippi.

By submitting information for advertisement on our Instagram account, the seller agrees to these terms and conditions.