W&W Farms Update!

in Dec 18, 2023

Hello Friends and Followers,

As the seasons change, so does the life on W&W Farms. We're excited to share with you some of the latest happenings around the farm. Grab a cup of coffee and join us for a little update from our little piece of paradise.

1: Thriving American Guinea Hogs

Exciting developments are happening with our herd of 20 American Guinea hogs. We've recently begun rotating them through a pasture lush with Rye Grass, and the results are remarkable. In just a week on this new grazing routine, we've observed an average weight gain of about 10 pounds per hog! This is not only a testament to the quality of the Rye Grass but also to the benefits of rotational grazing. By allowing the hogs access to fresh, nutrient-rich pastures, we're seeing healthier, happier animals. Here's a glimpse of our hogs enjoying their new grazing grounds

Here's the YouTube on them grazing: https://youtu.be/6vpuGCY9Ahg

Pastured Pigs

2: Innovative Hay Feeder for Our Goats

We're always looking for ways to improve efficiency on the farm, and our latest project is a testament to that. We've constructed a new hay feeder specifically designed for our goats, and it's been a fantastic success. This feeder is a game-changer in reducing hay waste – it prevents the goats from jumping on the hay bales, a common issue that led to contamination and spoilage with them previously pooping and peeing on the hay.

More so, this feeder accommodates large round bales, which has significantly lowered our feed bill and streamlined our feeding process. The goats have adapted well to this new system, and we're seeing healthier animals and cleaner feeding areas. Here's a snapshot of our goats enjoying their meals in a more hygienic and waste-efficient manner

Check out our YouTube Video on this build! https://youtu.be/RioO3i7TQqs

3: Enhancing Goat Pastures with a Nutritious Mix

In our continuous efforts to provide the best for our animals, we've recently embarked on an exciting new project for our goat pastures. We've planted a nutritious blend of rye, wheat, and oats over a 3-acre plot, traditionally used for summer feeding. This strategic move is particularly aimed at preparing for the upcoming winter.

This diverse mix will not only offer the goats a rich and varied diet during the colder months but will also ensure they have plenty to eat as they rotate through this area. Furthermore, this lush forage will be invaluable during the kidding season, providing the nursing mother goats with the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy and support their young.

By planning ahead and utilizing sustainable farming practices, we're ensuring that our goats have access to high-quality forage year-round. Here’s a view of our mixed pastures.

Watch the YouTube Video Here: https://youtu.be/k2DFlG1HL0U

Rye Grass

4: Walter Talks to the Hogs.
Our Instagram followers recently enjoyed a light-hearted moment from the farm. In a popular post, I (Walter) was captured having a 'serious' talk with our pigs. The jest of the conversation? Urging them to slow down on devouring all the grass, or else they'll run out of their green feast come winter!

This post isn't just about the humor; it reflects the everyday joys and challenges of farm life. It’s these small, candid moments that make farming so rewarding. Don’t forget to follow us for more fun and insights from our farm life!

Click Here to watch: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0xHFWNOege/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

W&W Farms

5: Reflecting on Our Farm's Humble Beginnings
Every now and then, it's important to look back and see how far we've come. When we first started our farming journey, we had a modest setup: just 5 chickens, 3 goats, and 2 Longhorn Cows. To be honest, we were stepping into a world unknown; we had little idea what we were doing. But that's the beauty of it – learning as we go.

This journey has been filled with its fair share of challenges and triumphs. Some days have been tough, testing our resolve and dedication. Yet, other days have been incredibly rewarding, reminding us why we chose this path. From those first few animals to the thriving community of livestock we care for today, every step has been a learning experience, a story of growth and passion.

Our farm is more than just a place where we raise animals; it's a continuous journey of learning, adapting, and growing. It's a testament to the belief that with perseverance and a willingness to learn, you can turn a dream into a thriving reality.

Kiko Goats

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support means the world to us, and we look forward to sharing more stories, updates, and farm adventures with you.

Warm Regards,


Comments (2)

Mike Clough
Sandy DeMasi

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